Terms and Conditions of Booking

Making this online booking means that you (the Customer) agrees to the Company's (Ondeck Maritime Training Ltd hereby referred to as OMT Ltd.) terms and conditions, as set out below.

These terms and conditions cover our: Royal Yachting Association (RYA), Maritime and Coastguard Agency (MCA), American Sailing Association (ASA), Antigua and Barbuda Department of Marine Services and Merchant Shipping (ADOMS), Own Boat Tuition, Bespoke Training Packages as well as any other training course offered by the company.

1. Course Booking

1.1 If Ondeck Maritime Training Antigua Ltd. (OMT Ltd) is unable to meet any booking through circumstances beyond its control, the Customer may be offered another booking at OMT Ltd's discretion.

1.2 If OMT Ltd and the Customer are unable to agree an alternative booking, OMT Ltd will refund the course fee paid. This is the limit of OMT Ltd's liability.

1.3 OMT Ltd will decide how and when any course is facilitated and whether or not the course will proceed as planned.

1.4 Any booking made for a person under the age of 18 requires parental or guardian consent.

1.5 All course bookings are subject to minimum student numbers, this is to ensure quality of training and on some courses, a requirement of the administration or awarding body. OMT Ltd reserves the right to re-arrange or cancel courses that do not meet the minimum student numbers and will not be liable for any claims made for travel costs (including but not limited to accommodation, flights and transfers). As much warning as possible will be given in such instances.

2. Payments

2.1 Course places are only reserved when OMT Ltd receives cleared payment of at least 25% of the total course cost, along with completed booking information.

2.2 Deposits are subject to clause 3 - Cancellation Policy

2.3 Course places are only confirmed when OMT Ltd receives the full outstanding payment of the total course cost, along with completed booking information.

2.4 Full payment for all courses is required 21 days prior to the course commencing. Failure to pay the balance within 21 days of the course start date will result in you not being allowed to attend the course and your space being re-allocated with no refund of monies paid.

3. Cancellation Policy

3.1 All cancellations must be made in writing, by email or letter, to OMT Ltd. Cancellations over the phone must be verified in writing, by the customer or booking agent.

3.2 Customers may reschedule a course date, without penalty, up to 21 days prior to the course commencement date.

3.3 Customers cancelling courses more than 21 days prior to the course start date, shall receive a refund of all payments made towards the course, less an Administration Charge of $50.00 USD.

3.4 Customers cancelling courses between 21 - 14 days prior to the start of the course will be entitled to a 75% return of the total amount (Deposit amount is calculated as 25% of the course fee).

3.5 Customers cancelling courses less than 14 days, prior to the start of the course will not be entitled to a return of the total course fee.

3.6 Ondeck Maritime Training Ltd will accept name changes to bookings up until the start date of the course.

3.7 Refunds will be processed within 20 working days, from read receipt of the cancellation and refund email, issued by OMT Ltd.

3.8 OMT Ltd shall not accept claims and shall not be liable at any time for claims or expenses caused by circumstances beyond its control including staff sickness, accident, travel delays, vessel breakdown, weather, industrial action, war or civil unrest.

4. Insurance

4.1 OMT Ltd is fully insured for third party liability, however this does not cover medical expenses. You are strongly recommended to take out their own insurance against cancellation, damage or loss of personal effects, death or personal injury.

4.2 OMT Ltd and its employees accept no liability for personal injury, theft, loss or damage for Customers clothing, equipment and personal property however caused on or off the company's craft or premises.

4.3 Customers acknowledge that there are inherent dangers involved in all sports, including marine training and understands and agrees to sign the booking form, holding the company, its servants, agents and employees free of any liability in the event of an accident, death, injury or damage to person or property.

5. Own Boat Tuition or Delivery Service

5.1 Own Boat Tuition/Delivery is provided on the following basis: 

5.2 The vessel is insured by the owner for loss, damage and legal liability to third parties. Documents must be made available to OMT Ltd.

5.3 The owner or head charterer remains the skipper and legally responsible for the safe management of the vessel at all times (including when under tuition) and will not hold the Instructor or OMT Ltd responsible for any loss or damage.

5.4  If the vessel is privately owned, own boat tuition may only be undertaken on a vessel owned by the person attending the course or which has given express consent, in writing, to OMT Ltd.

5.5 Where a Charter boat is used, permission in writing must be provided to OMT Ltd, prior to the course taking place. This includes the following items being present, as a minimum (this list is not exhaustive):

Liferaft (with sufficient capacity for all onboard)

Lifejackets (with sufficient capacity for all onboard)

Tool Kit/Bag, with sufficient tools to deal with emergency maintenance at sea

Sufficient and in-date charts of the applicable area

Sufficient and in-date almanacs or pilot books of the applicable area

5.6 The vessel must be in a seaworthy condition for the course, as determined by the instructor, on the day of the course. If deemed unsuitable


6.1 Customers are not provided with clothing or waterproof clothing such as jackets and trousers.

6.1 Customers are provided with safety equipment such as life jackets, safety lines/teathers etc, and are responsible for their safe return at the end of the course.

6.2 Damage to any item beyond normal wear and tear may render the client liable to either pay for the item in full (current market bivalve for a like for like replacement) or to pay an amount to OMT Ltd as compensation (as determined by OMT Ltd).

6.3 Lifejacket inflation arising from misuse, neglect or ill-care will render a $50USD charge.

6.4 Bedding (Oversheet, Undersheet and Pillow Case) will be provided on residential courses. Customers are required to notify the Company of their requirement prior to the course commencing.

6.5 Customers are not provided with sanitary items, toiletries and towels.

7. Data protection

7.1 OMT Ltd is guided by the Data Protection Act 2013 (Antigua and Barbuda) and the Data Protection Act 2018 (United Kingdom).

7.2 Where appropriate, your name, contact details, date of birth, certificate number and its date of issue will be retained for up to seven years, or until our next audit with the issuing authority (the Royal Yachting Association (RYA), the Maritime and Coastguard Agency (MCA), the American Sailing Association (ASA) and/or the Antigua and Barbuda Department of Marine Services and Merchant Shipping (ADOMS)).

7.3 On successful completion of your course, your name, contact information (including email and address), date of birth, certificate number and its date of issue will be shared with the issuing authority; Royal Yachting Association (RYA), the Maritime and Coastguard Agency (MCA), the American Sailing Association (ASA) and/or the Antigua and Barbuda Department of Marine Services and Merchant Shipping (ADOMS).

7.4 Data sent to the RYA will be sent through a secure web portal, or through www.rya.org.uk. The data will be stored on the RYA's central database. This information allows the RYA to record your qualification, to update any records they may hold for you, and to verify or replace your certificate if required.

7.4 Information will only be shared where necessary and you reserve the right to request a Subject Access Request for the fee of $20 (USD).

7.5 Objection to the above, must be made in writing to OMT Ltd,

7.6 We may use your name, testimonial and/or pictures in our marketing materials, you must inform us of any objection to this as soon as possible, in writing.

7.7 More information regarding how we handle your data may be found in our data protection policy, which is available on request.

7.8 We, or any of our issuing authorities may contact you for quality and control purposes, to investigate feedback or complaints and to discuss your experience.

7.9 Photographs of minors (under the age of 18) will not be used without parental consent.

8. Complaints 

8.1 If you are in any way dissatisfied with your course, you should raise your concerns at the first available opportunity, ideally with your instructor.

8.2 If you are still dissatisfied you may follow the Complaints Policy and Procedure, copies of which can be supplied on request.

9. Provisions / Catering for Residential Courses

9.1 Basics items for lunch on day 1 will be provided by OMT Ltd. There after, it is the responsibility of the students in conjunction with the instructor to provision the boat.

9.2 You will be required to contribute your share towards the provisioning, which will be divided between all students and the instructor, at the beginning of the course.

9.3 OMT will not responsible for individuals dietary preference or allergies, unless recorded in the dietary preferences/requirements field, on booking.

9.3 You may choose to purchase further items for consumption, during your time onboard, this will be done at your own cost, with no additional cost attributed to OMT Ltd.

10. Provisions / Catering for Shorebased Courses

10.1 Tea, Coffee and Water will be provided.

10.2 Breakfast, Lunch and Dinner is not included in any shorebased course booking.